Light up the Night:
A Time to HEAL
In accordance with our conference theme, A Time to HEAL: Healing, Equity, Advocacy, and Leadership - Light Up the Night: Celebrating 20 Years of FACE, we will be honoring dynamic leaders who have brought light & hope for the purpose of healing, transformed communities in the pursuit of equity, advocated for racial justice and solidarity, and exemplified leadership through their compassion and faith.
A Time to H.E.A.L.
Health . Equity . Advocacy . Leadership
Friday, October 22 - Sunday, October 24, 2021
(Virtual Conference & Hybrid Gala Dinner)
*Please NOTE: In person guests are expected to be vaccinated and are to wear masks for the entirety of the event unless eating or speaking.
Awards Gala Dinner Honorees
The National Lighting the Community Summit brings together policy makers, elected officials, corporations, pastors, media, community leaders and other stakeholders to provide faith leaders and underserved communities to learn how to access funding opportunities, build successful partnerships with various stakeholders, and better implement programs & services for the community so that the faith community can serve as a "light to the world." It provides a forum for collaboration, engagement and dialogue, as well as training workshops to address key economic and social issues, such as housing, small business, mental health, and immigration reform, amongst others. Additionally, the conference provides an opportunity to highlight great models and resources in the AAPI community and as well as advocate for issues that impact AAPIs and other underrepresented communities we serve.
In addition to the plenary sessions and workshops, the conference will include the National Asian American Prayer Breakfast and the 20th Anniversary Awards Gala Dinner recognizing those who have contributed to the advancement of the community.
join us to learn
How to activate faith and nonprofit leaders to maximize their community engagement
How to create and sustain true solidarity
How to partner with various stakeholders -such as government agencies, corporate funders & others- to leverage resources to better serve the community
This video is from a past Summit.
8:45am Welcome
Opening Plenary: A Time to HEAL
Advocacy: David Wins Goliath
Speed Networking: Training & Competition - Our Voices Matter
White House Listening Session: The State of AAPI
Navigating Resources for Faith & Community Development
White House Grant Opportunities & Appointments
4:00pm Closing
8:45am Welcome
Opening Plenary: A Time to HEAL
Advocacy: David Wins Goliath
Speed Networking: Training & Competition - Our Voices Matter
White House Listening Session: The State of AAPI
Navigating Resources for Faith & Community Development
White House Grant Opportunities & Appointments
4:00pm Closing
Honorary Committee
Supporting Organizations
Three Sixteen DC
Costa Mesa First United Methodist Church
United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach
Malibu United Methodist Church
Los Angeles Bahá’í Center
Special Needs Network
Epic Movement - CRU
Asian American Leadership Collaborative of Michigan
Center for Asian American Theology and Ministry at Fuller Theological Seminary
Christians for Social Action
Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice
Korea Peace Coalition
Asian American Christian Collaborative
Venn Diagram
Fathers an Families Coalition of America
Princeton Theological Seminary Center for Asian American Christianity
Los Angeles Asian American Employees Association
Jesse Miranda Center for Hispanic Leadership
USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture
San Pedro UMC
The Unfinished Business Project